


20 April 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland

Sabine Specht, DNDi, TEDxTalk ‘The sight-stealing worm: Searching for a cure for river blindness’

Watch the TEDx Talk

British Society for Parasitology Spring Meeting

2-5 April 2024 | Liverpool, UK

Sabine Specht, DNDi, keynote presentation ‘Development of alternative treatments for filarial diseases’

Workshop on integrating science and journalism

20-22 February 2024 | Bagamoyo, Tanzania

Training workshop for journalists and scientists in Tanzania hosted at the Ifakara Health Institute by HELP

Speakers: Honorati Masanja, Ifakara Health Institute, Jürg Utzinger, Swiss TPH, Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH, Said Jongo, Ifakara Health Institute, Sabine Specht, DNDi, Linet Atieno Otieno, DNDi

Read more about the workshop



20-23 November 2023 | Utrecht, Netherlands

Symposium on ‘Research and development on novel drugs for nematode infections: insight from academia and product development partnerships working together in the EU-funded HELP project’

Speakers: Sabine Specht, DNDi, Marc Hübner, IMMIP, Said A. Jongo, Ifakara Health Institute, Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH

Molecular Helminthology

26-29 June 2023 | Madison, USA

Sabine Specht (DNDi) presentation ‘New anthelmintic chemical entities: considerations for development and access’ at session on ‘Therapeutics and drug resistance’

KIT Tagung

15 June 2023 | Leipzig, Germany

Marc Hübner, IMMIP. Presentation ‘Jahre Forschung zur Filarientherapie: Von vielversprechenden Wirkstoffen zu neuen Medikamenten’

DKVB Jahrestagung

30 May 2023 | Bonn, Germany

Marc Hübner, IMMIP. Presentation ‘Entwicklung neuer Therapien für die Onchozerkose und Loiasis’

DZIF Jahrestagung

15 April 2023 | Hanover, Germany

Marc Hübner, IMMIP. Presentation ‘The immune system contributes to treatment efficacy of the anthelmintic benzimidazole oxfendazole’


Universitas Syiah Kuala

16 December 2022 | Online

Marc Hübner, IMMIP, presented on ‘Current Perspectives for New Treatments for Human Filarial Infections’

ASTMH 2022

30 October – 3 November 2022 | Seattle, USA

Marc Hübner, IMMIP, presented on ‘The benzimidazoles oxfendazole and flubendazole eliminate adult filariae of Litomosoides sigmodontis in an immune system-dependent manner’

H3-D Symposium

25-28 October 2022 | Cape Town, South Africa

Keynote speaker: Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH

PEG – Sektion „Antiparasitäre Therapie“

5 October 2022 | Online

Marc Hübner, IMMIP, presented on ‘Entwicklung von Oxfendazol zur Behandlung humaner Filariosen’

Hydra Conference Parasitic Helminths

28 August – 2 September 2022 | Hydra, Greece

Keynote speaker: Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH

ICOPA 2022

21-26 August | Copenhagen, Denmark

Speaker: Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH

DDDS Meeting

13 July 2022 | Oberschleißheim, Germany

Marc Hübner, IMMIP, presented on ‘Identification of new treatments for filarial infections’

22nd Drug Design & Development Seminar (DDDS) 2022 of the German Society for Parasitology (DGP)

12-15 July 2022 | Munich, Germany

Organized by University of Bern, DNDi, and LMU Munich

Sabine Specht, DNDi, is part of the Scientific Committee

Marc Hübner (IMMIP) presented results from HELP experiments: ‘Identification of new treatments for filarial infections’ 

Conference on Tropical Medicine and Global Health (CTM 2022)

23-25 June 2022 | Rostock, Germany

Session on ‘Parasitology’ including speakers Achim Hörauf, IMMIP, Uni Bonn, Sabine Specht, DNDi

Marc Hübner (IMMIP) presentation ‘Die BEnzimidazole Oxfendazol und Flubendazol eliminieren Adultwürmer von Litomosoides sigmodontis in Abhängigkeit vom Immunsystem’

DZIF meeting 

2 June 2022 | Stuttgart, Germany 

Marc Hübner (IMMIP) presentation ‘Update on the development of novel anthelminthics and novel models for preclinical testing’ (including results from HELP)

40. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und Internationale Kindergesundheit

27-29 May 2022 | Basel, Switzerland

Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH. Presentation ‘Innovative drugs in helminth infection suitable for the paediatric population’ in the session ‘Paediatric dermatology meets paediatric infectious diseases’

Anti-helminthics: Drugs, Resistance & Vaccines

10-12 May 2022 | University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA

Sabine Specht, DNDi, is part of the Scientific Committee

Keynote speaker: Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH


70th ASTMH Annual Meeting

17-21 November 2021

Symposium on ‘Clinical development of new treatments to support the global elimination of onchocerciasis’

Speakers: Achim Hörauf, IMMIP, Uni Bonn, Sabine Specht, DNDi

Poster: ‘Replacement of missing values for one-time-measurement outcomes in onchocerciasis clinical trials’

DZIF TTU NAB meeting 

20 April 2021 

Marc Hübner (IMMIP) presented on ‘Translational Microbiology’ in a session chaired by Achim Hörauf (IMMIP, Uni Bonn)

Leiden University Medical Center

12 April 2021 | Leiden, The Netherlands

Marc Hübner (IMMIP) presented on ‘Development of alternative treatments for onchocerciasis’

29th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Parasitology

15–17 March 2021 | Virtual

‘Anti-Helmintic Drug Development’ session with HELP partners part of the keynote.

Speakers: Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH, Sabine Specht, DNDi, and Marc Hübner, IMMIP

British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

2 February 2021 | Virtual

Achim Hörauf, IMMIP, Uni Bonn. Presentation ‘Pre-clinical development of Corallopyronin A – a novel natural product active against helminths, STIs and Staphylococci’ in the session ‘Pre-clinical antimicrobial development’


World Health Summit

26 October 2020

Annual Symposium organized by the German Alliance for Global Health Research Session on ‘Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration in Global Health – Science Meets Implementation’ with presentation from Achim Hörauf, IMMIP, Uni Bonn

4th AMR Conference Novel Antimicrobials & AMR Diagnostics

28 August 2020 | Virtual

Poster: ‘Pre-clinical development of the natural compound antibiotic Corallopyronin A’

Anthelmintics IV: Discovery to Resistance

3 February 2020 | Santa Monica, California, USA

Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH Presentation: ‘Drug combinations for soil-transmitted helminthiases’


Keystone Symposia Global Health

8-12 December 2019 | Cape Town, South Africa

Session on ‘Helminth control: Drug development’:

Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH. Presentation: ‘Improved treatments for soil-transmitted helminthiases’

Sabine Specht, DNDi. Presentation: ‘Development of alternative treatments against filarial diseases

Conference programme

68th ASTMH Annual Meeting

20-24 November 2019 | National Harbor, MD USA 

Session on ‘New tools to accelerate elimination of onchocerciasis’:

Sabine Specht, DNDi. Presentation: ‘Macrofilaricidal drug development – onwards and upwards’

Institut Pasteur Symposium: The Future of Parasitology

18 November 2019 | Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH. Presentation ‘Improved treatments for soil-transmitted helminthiases’

Symposium programme